Everything You Should Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy
At the time of menopause, hormone replacement therapy helps to maintain the balance between progesterone and estrogen in women. The therapy is otherwise known as menopausal hormone therapy, can help the women to prevent hot flashes, other menopausal symptoms, and sweating. Estrogen and progesterone are natural reproductive hormones in women. Progesterone prepares the womb to implant egg, whereas estrogen responsible for the release of the egg. The supply of eggs diminishes with time as a part of the natural process in women. As estrogen production decreases in the 40s, women usually experience changes in hormone levels. Due to the hormonal changes, females experience menopausal symptoms such as excessive sweating, hot flashes, etc. there are numerous effects of hormonal changes at the time of menopause in females at mid-age. Fat accumulation in the abdomen Memory difficulties Irregular periods Moodiness Sleeping problems Thinning of hair Urinary problem...